Tuesday 2 July 2024

How to Ace Your Skills as a Children’s Book Writer?

 Writing for adults is easier in comparison to children’s! Many scholars over the ages have mentioned such proverbs. Yet if you like writing for children then you can decide for self publishing a book on Amazon by strategically tying up the loose ends of the stories that you have already scribbled in your notebook.

Presently, the art of storytelling to kids is driving many new parents to publish books. If you have a similar inspiration and you have aced the skill of telling beautiful stories to children then you must try your luck writing more children’s books in collaboration with a good designer and childrens illustrators working as freelancers or at any reputed self-publishing agencies.

Here are some ideas to ace your skills as a children’s book writer—

Read more children’s books from classics to the trending writers. Get ideas of the type of stories or the characters that the little readers would like to hear or read. Crete sketches of animal characters, robots, and fantasy animals such as Unicorns, dragons, aliens, etc. The little ones love them. Even you can even get more ideas from the trending Japanese mangas.

Focus on the book cover designs. You need to spend more time with a professional book cover maker to create an appealing cover image for young readers. Choose the color combination according to the characters or the storyline. Besides the main story, the illustrations and the design a book cover have a significant role to play in enticing the attention of the children.

Have a word with some children and ask them about their favorite characters or which book is their favorite and why. They might help you with some insights that will help you hone your skills in penning the characters and continue writing the stories for your readers.

Friday 31 May 2024

How to Start Your Journey for Self Publishing a Book in the UK?

The urge to write a fiction or a non-fiction of your favourite genre might have driven you for quite some time. Whether you have been writing for a while and have published a few books or even if you are a debuting writer- choosing to self publishing a book in the UK will be a better idea.

Previously, the future career of budding writers was in the hands of the publishers. By doing so, many promising writers had been lost. Today, therefore, from successful authors to budding writers prefer self-publishing their new books by connecting with a reputed agency like White Magic Studios in London. These agencies assure writers of multiple services for publishing their books.

With the help of your friend’s recommendation or getting suggestions from the search engines, finding a reliable self-publishing agency is easily possible. Have a face-to-face meeting with them regarding how you want the book to get published whether using platforms like Amazon publishing or in printed versions.

Here are a few ways to start your self-publishing journey in the UK—

Write a profitable book

Despite following the urge to write a book to showcase your talent as a writer, you should also be concerned about writing a marketable book. Today’s writers have to focus on the marketing and sellable features while writing the book and finalizing the book cover.

Make sure that the content has freshness and has various avenues to drive the target audiences and motivate them to purchase the book instead of keeping it back to the shelf. Even if you are deliberately trying your fate by publishing the book on Kindle Amazon publishing or in any eBook format- the book should contain the features of becoming a bestseller.

Remember that only by writing a couple of bestselling books- you can be counted among the bestselling authors and in the next few years can gain a position at the NY Times bestselling writer and similar accomplishments.

Professionally edit your book

You need to hire an accomplished editor for finalizing the manuscript before publishing. Whether you are a debutant writer or already have published quite a few books, having a final editing done by a professional will make the writing approach more crispy and acceptable to readers. However, being a self-publishing writer, you have the power to put your opinion on the final editing. But instead of feeding your ego, agreeing with the other experts at the self-publishing agency will be more rewarding concerning the final editing.

Design an eye-catching book cover

Next your focus will be on hiring a talented and genre-expert book cover maker who can be trusted for designing an eye-catching cover design for your self-published book whether for the eBooks or printed copies. You can also ask for layout designs and considering that blueprint, you need to have the front, back and spiral cover designed.

For inspiring the target readers, a book cover designer does their best in creating a masterpiece by using the best colors and typography arts. They know that most readers are impressed by the covers of the book and next decide whether to purchase it or not.

You have to make sure that the final book cover is featuring the primary characters and portrays a glimpse of the genre. Book covers do convey a message to the readers.

Choose a self-publishing platform

Next, when the book is almost ready to get published, decide the platform on which you want it to launch. Nowadays, many writers are using kindle publishing for launching their books as the eBook readers are their targets for making them reach the hierarchy of sales and in a few days can place their book among the bestselling category.

Market yourself on social media

You can either hire a PR for marketing your new book on Amazon or you can also do it on your own on social media. However, you might need professional expertise to motivate your target audiences for buying the book. You should better leave it to the marketing professionals who know how to keep a track on the matrix of website analytics and sales rates.

These are some ways you need to follow for self-publishing a book in the UK.

How to Ace Your Skills as a Children’s Book Writer?

  Writing for adults is easier in comparison to children’s! Many scholars over the ages have mentioned such proverbs. Yet if you like writin...